September 16, 2024

Author: Dave Adams

Government Federal


Many people in America feel like the federal government is out of touch with the working people.  Pray for people to run for federal office who have a strong relationship with God. Pray for a God Intervention with those in Federal Government who don’t know God

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40 Days of Prayer
Prayer Topics

40 Days of Prayer

God’s promise to us given in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 is that if we humble  ourselves, seek God through prayer, turn from our wicked ways and seek His face….then He will hear from heaven and heal our land We will be joining with others to start a 40 day of prayer effort on Friday, September 27th.  […]

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Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Pray for America Pray for your community  Pray for  your family pray for the  homeless pray for Americans to come together pray for peace in the Middle East.

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